Foundation Funded Advocacy Lauded in New Report

A new report by the National Center for Responsive Philanthropy, “Strengthening Democracy, Increasing Opportunities: Impacts of Advocacy, Organizing and Civic Engagement in PA” states that foundations in Pennsylvania funded 85% of the $ 26.1 million spent on advocacy from 2005 – 2009. Each dollar spent on advocacy to improve the lives of people with disabilities, living in poverty and other under served populations returned $122 in benefits – for a total of $3.1 billion in Pennsylvania.
FISA Foundation was recognized as an effective philanthropic partner in advocacy, community organizing and civic engagement along with the Heinz Endowments, The Pittsburgh Foundation and the Three Rivers Community Foundation. Much credit for this recognition goes to former executive director Dee Delaney who focused FISA on advocacy work during the early years of the foundation.
Current FISA Foundation Executive Director Kristy Trautmann is quoted in the report explaining her view of FISA’s work.
“As a foundation, I think it is our responsibility to hold a bold vision and a long time horizon. Correcting social injustices takes perseverance and determination and creativity. We cannot afford to think about our role only in terms of our limited grantmaking budget.”
To read an executive summary of the report please visit:
To read an article about the report in the Post Gazette please visit:

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